Ordena presents...

The reconnection

"What would it be like to dream your soul's mission to life?"

Join us from 25th of October to 3rd of November 2024 in Ubud, Bali

Hello beautiful soul, from October the 25th to November the 3rd, we invite you to discover, connect, play, enjoy and relax together with like-minded participants at the Basundari Resort Ubud. The tropical surroundings, wonderfully spacious bedrooms, swimming pools and good, healthy food provide an oasis of peace and ensures that you don’t have to think about anything else than living fully in the moment. Leave all worries at home, and sail on the proverbial flow to Bali.

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“ The most beautiful trip you can make is coming home to yourself". 

You can see yourself as a lotus flower. The flower lives in the light, but the roots will always remain in the dark. The dark represents the past. This way you immediately say that your past will always be there, but the flower above the water shows you that you can nevertheless stand in your own light. We all can grow and transform! It is our goal and mission to create a space in which you can overcome your fears with love, to dream your soul's mission to life and to experience beauty in everything around you. 

During this retreat, we invite you to work with the wisdom of the guardians of the earth. These are shamanic practices, spiritual guides, seers and healers from all times that support you throughout your journey. This means that we will prepare ourselves through play, meditation and transformation work to restore and ground the connection with our divine self. 

Are you willing to let go of old pains, overcome your fears and dare to trust in the connecting power of love again? Then we would like to invite you to come to The Reconnection in Bali!

What does The Reconnection mean?

With love, playfulness, wisdom and sensitivity, Sanne and Raoul help you to regain a healthy connection with yourself. We invite you to let your inner child come up so that it can merge with your inner sage. Let go of other people’s expectations of who you should be. You can put all your obligations aside completely. This journey is all about you! Who are you? Who would you like to be? What would you do if no one watched? On this journey we are going to fully accept ourselves and each other as we are, so that everyone can feel seen.

To help you regain a healthy connection with yourself, we travel along nine chakras (energy points in our body that are important for our life force, until our light body is completely activated), and we work with the four different levels of perception of the guardians of the earth; ancient societies of medicine men and women. The wisdom of the guardians of the earth teaches us how to rewrite our own life story through the Four Insights. During The Reconnection you will discover the four different levels of perception through various meditations, visualizations, dance, creative expression and energetic work.

Raoul Maat

Raoul is a free spirit, momentarily living in Maastricht. He enjoys guiding people to a more beautiful, inspired life. Sharing wisdom, love and insights to whomever finds him is part of his daily routine. He flourishes in nature, and loves animals, art, dance and beauty in the broadest sense of the word. He walks a spiritual path where he brings his passion for entrepreneurship, art and coaching together.

During his meditations you learn to open up to the wonders of the universe. Everything is already within you. We just need to bring it out. From an early age he learned how to transform fear into love, so that people can free themselves from obstructive patterns and beliefs. Seeing the spark in one's eyes when regaining belief in oneself, lights him up. Being blessed to work with higher levels of consciousness, channeling healing energy and spiritual activations is a gift with which he enriches others.

In his spare time, Raoul likes to read a book, listen to music, do sports, enjoy a smoky whiskey, walk in nature and plan the co-creation of a loving, free society. Every now and then he can be found behind the drums or he takes out the blues harp.

Sanne Scheffers

Connecting people with the deeper layers in themselves: that is where Sanne really gets her passion; to let the wisdom of the body speak, so that you can experience and live a heightened sense of freedom. The sparkle in your eyes while connecting to yourself again; that's what makes her truly happy.

Sanne is happy to investigate in which area of life you still experience resistance or shrink back from who you really are. She invites you to investigate where you can show courage towards life, so that you can heal the fears and resistance in yourself. Of course, she will also invite you to take action together. She does this through breath- and body work, deeper wisdom of this and other planetary systems, creative expression, dance, and a touch of playfulness. This creates the space to walk your own path and allow yourself to be completely as you are.

In addition to a passion for coaching and guiding from the body, Sanne is a mother of Pepijn and works as a teacher of Personal Leadership at a university of applied sciences. She likes to be surrounded by friends and friends, loves ecstatic dance and likes to immerse herself in the deeper wisdom of life through reading and beautiful, deep conversations.

Jo Suijkerbuijk

Hello dear participants,

I am Jo Suijkerbuijk, in daily life I work as a medium and from home I am an astrologer and numerologist. Every year I organize retreats to both Ibiza and domestically.

I look forward to our trip to Bali, in which I can assist Raoul and Sanne. In addition, I will be a point of contact for your personal questions and process.

Until then, see you in Oktober!

De reconnectie

From October 25th to November 3rd, we invite you to discover, connect, play, enjoy and relax together with like-minded participants at the Basundari Resort Ubud. The tropical surroundings, wonderfully spacious bedrooms, swimming pools and good, healthy food provide an oasis of peace and ensures that you don’t have to think about anything else than living fully in the moment. Leave all worries at home, and sail on the proverbial flow to Bali.

With love, playfulness, wisdom and sensitivity, Sanne and Raoul help you to regain a healthy connection with yourself. We invite you to let your inner child come up so that it can merge with your inner sage. Let go of other people’s expectations of who you should be. You can put all your obligations aside completely. This journey is all about you! Who are you? Who would you like to be? What would you do if no one watched? On this journey we are going to fully accept ourselves and each other as we are, so that everyone can feel seen.

To help you regain a healthy connection with yourself, we travel along nine chakras (energy points in our body that are important for our life force, until our light body is completely activated), and we work with the four different levels of perception of the guardians of the earth; ancient societies of medicine men and women. The wisdom of the guardians of the earth teaches us how to rewrite our own life story through the Four Insights.

During The Reconnection you will discover the four different levels of perception through various meditations, visualizations, dance, creative expression and energetic work.

The Basundari Resort

“ Beauty can be brought into the moment by laughing. When you see beauty all around you, beauty will visit you even in the most unlikely places … and then you are really on your way to becoming a hero ”.

We are happy to invite you to come enjoy the beautiful resort in Ubud. The Basundari team provides breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. Basundari values sustainability, organic products and health. The resort works with local farmers, buys fresh ingredients and offers nutritious dishes. This way you can enjoy delicious meals every day. The spacious and uniquely designed rooms with recycled furniture and comfortable beds provide an oasis of peace. The natural environment, swimming pools and terraces give the space to immerse yourself in the moment.

What does the Reconnection bring to you?

A loving group of 22 like-minded people, including 2 supervisors and special guest: medium Jo Suijkerbuijk.

A loving group of 22 like-minded people, including 2 supervisors and special guest: medium Jo Suijkerbuijk.

10 days and 9 nights at the beautiful Basundari Resort in Ubud, Bali. With its spacious and uniquely designed rooms, luxury beds, natural surroundings, swimming pools and terraces, the resort has everything to immerse yourself in the moment.

A cleaned and activated chakra system, able to perceive spiritually from 4 different levels and insight into the way of the hero, light warrior, seer and sage.

A delicious vegetarian breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. The resort works with local farmers, buys fresh ingredients and offers nutritious dishes.

In addition to the substantive program, there is a wonderful ecstatic dance evening with a cacao ceremony, a shamanitic ritual and transformational breathing.

A relaxed, charged and inspired feeling that you will take home. Feel reborn, and more determined like never before. This re-connection lets you taste the versatility and potential of none other than yourself!

The programme

First of all, we believe in the magic of the moment. For that reason, we do not plan too far ahead, so that we can act, subvene or adjust on the spot. We can already offer a framework. The resort provides good healthy food three times a day. After breakfast a daily meditation follows. We work up through our chakras through meditations, exercises and games. Every day will be dominated by a different theme, with accompanying insights. Practice shows that this cannot be so strictly separated. We will also learn about the four different levels of perception (Snake, Jaguar, Hummingbird and Eagle), and the Four Insights (Hero, Light Warrior, Seer, Sage). By switching your level of perception, your perspective of yourself and the world can change. In this way we can better understand ourselves and others! We will also discover how to take matters into our own hands and dream our dream life into existence.

Day 1

Everyone arrives on Friday. This day is reserved to acclimatize. We get to know each other, have a nice meal and explore the area. Only a small welcome exercise is planned.

Day 2

Saturday is all about the observation level of the snake. We are going to clean our first energy center, and let go of fears of shortage.

Day 3

Sunday is all about our feelings and emotions. We will open up to creativity and romantic intimacy. We learn about the observation level of the jaguar.

Day 4

Monday is all about our firepower. By finding out who you are you can achieve a healthy relationship with yourself and others.

Day 5

Tuesday is all about the heart center. Break free from egoism and open yourself to unconditional love.
Today we discover what happens when we invite our love for life into our hearts. Get ready to connect with one another without neediness.

Day 6

Wednesday is all about communication. We are going to share our truth and learn to listen to each other. You will also have time today to explore the area outside the resort.

Day 7

On Thursday we will get acquainted with the domain of the hummingbird; our soul journey. After an activation of the third eye, we learn to see with our eyes closed.

Day 8

Friday is all about the gate to heaven. We break free from linear time and are introduced to the eternal. Today is also dominated by our ancestors and past lives. We can break free from family drama and leave behind any trauma.

Day 9

On Saturday we meet the domain of the eagle. We learn to detach ourselves from the earthly, and to come home to the divine. Of course we take this experience to our body so that we do not float away or disappear completely (wink with tongue).

Day 10

The last day! For now, let's pretend this day is never going to take place!



Basundari Resort, Ubud, Bali


Friday, October 25 to Sunday, November 3, 2024


We offer 3 different tickets. The early bird, regular bird and the late bird. All tickets include breakfast, lunch and dinner, use of the entire resort and airport transfer to and from the Bali airport as well as the Reconnection program. Also, we provide additional snacks and drinks during your stay. The amounts do not include your flight ticket.

Pricing options:

Early bird: €1900 until 31th of August

Regular bird: €2100 until 30th of September

From 1 Oktober: €2300

Payment plan

It is possible to pay in installments. Feel free to ask for the possibilities.

"Our guidance supports personal processes so that we can let go of what no longer serves us and feel reborn from within."